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Want to save more on your heating and cooling costs?

A good indoor climate is essential to health and wellbeing. Temperature maintenance through proper insulation with stone wool can dramatically reduce heating and cooling costs, and reduce a building’s carbon footprint …

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Watch and learn about all 7 Strengths of Stone


5 Ways to save energy at home

Are you frustrated over the rising cost of your energy bill?

Making a few changes to your home could make a big difference to your next energy bill.


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ROCKWOOL Asia products help people around the world create more sustainable footprint.


Why stone wool

Stone and civilisation were made for each other.

At ROCKWOOL, we've been applying the 7 strengths of stone to the world's biggest challenges


Case study: Thermal properties

Insulating the world’s longest sea bridge

Guaranteeing the energy performance, comfort and safety for thousands of travellers.