Products Pitch Roof

Thermalrock B (Blanket)

Thermalrock B (Blanket) is a flexible blanket designed for general insulation applications and is supplied in folded or roll form for ease of installation over large areas. It is manufactured in a variety of thicknesses, suitable for thermal insulation in residential, commercial and industrial buildings.


Specification & Sizes

Product ID Product Name Density (Kg/m3) Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm)
158742 Thermalrock B40 40  50  1200  5000
158744 Thermalrock B40 40  50  1200  7500
159066 Thermalrock B40 40  75  1200  4000
158745 Thermalrock B40 40  75  1200  5000
158748 Thermalrock B50 50 50  1200  5000
158749 Thermalrock B50 50 50  1200  7500
158755 Thermalrock B60 60 50  600  5000
158756 Thermalrock B60 60 50  1200  5000
158757 Thermalrock B60 60 50  1200  7500
161799 Thermalrock B80 80 50  1200  5000
158763 Thermalrock B80 80 50  1200  7500
159100 Thermalrock B80 80 75  1200  4000
158766 Thermalrock B80 80 100  1200  2000
161735 Thermalrock B100 100 50  600  5000
159329 Thermalrock B100 100 50  1200  5000
Reaction to fire EN13501-1
EN13501-1 Non-combustible /A1 Fire Classification
Thermal conductivity ASTM C518
20oC λ Value (W/mK) 0.034 - 0.036
Water absorption EN 1609
Partial immersion 1.0kg/m2
Water vapour resistance ASTMX1104 / C1104M
Moisture Resistance Less than 0.04%
Product ID Product Name Density (Kg/m3) Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm)
158742 Thermalrock B40 40  50  1200  5000
158744 Thermalrock B40 40  50  1200  7500
159066 Thermalrock B40 40  75  1200  4000
158745 Thermalrock B40 40  75  1200  5000
158748 Thermalrock B50 50 50  1200  5000
158749 Thermalrock B50 50 50  1200  7500
158755 Thermalrock B60 60 50  600  5000
158756 Thermalrock B60 60 50  1200  5000
158757 Thermalrock B60 60 50  1200  7500
161799 Thermalrock B80 80 50  1200  5000
158763 Thermalrock B80 80 50  1200  7500
159100 Thermalrock B80 80 75  1200  4000
158766 Thermalrock B80 80 100  1200  2000
161735 Thermalrock B100 100 50  600  5000
159329 Thermalrock B100 100 50  1200  5000
EN13501-1 Non-combustible /A1 Fire Classification
20oC λ Value (W/mK) 0.034 - 0.036
Partial immersion 1.0kg/m2
Moisture Resistance Less than 0.04%

Thickness (mm)


Item number Product Description Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (mm)
158742 Thermalrock B40 Density 40 50 1200 5000
158744 Thermalrock B40 Density 40 50 1200 7500
159066 Thermalrock B40 Density 40 75 1200 4000
158745 Thermalrock B40 Density 40 75 1200 5000
158748 Thermalrock B50 Density 50 50 1200 5000
158749 Thermalrock B50 Density 50 50 1200 7500
158755 Thermalrock B60 Density 60 50 600 5000
158756 Thermalrock B60 Density 60 50 1200 5000
158757 Thermalrock B60 Density 60 50 1200 7500
161799 Thermalrock B80 Density 80 50 1200 5000
158763 Thermalrock B80 Density 80 50 1200 7500
159100 Thermalrock B80 Density 80 75 1200 4000
158766 Thermalrock B80 Density 80 100 1200 2000
161735 Thermalrock B100 Density 100 50 600 5000
159329 Thermalrock B100 Density 100 50 1200 5000

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