At ROCKWOOL Group, we understand that succeeding on climate action requires succeeding on making the world’s buildings far more energy efficient than they are today. The good news is that constructing new and renovating existing buildings for greater energy efficiency is not rocket science. It requires using well-known building materials and practices – and this is where our stone wool products can make a true difference.

Why so much focus on renovation?

Buildings account for 28 percent of global emissions, being responsible for 36 percent[1] of GHG emissions in the EU; 40 percent in the United States; and 42 percent in the UK. Not only that, but in the EU alone around 75 percent of buildings are energy inefficient – many of which will still be in use in 2050[2]. At the same time, buildings are the world’s most valuable financial asset, worth about €150 trillion[3]. This makes energy efficient buildings a precondition for successful climate action and for a sustainable financial system.

Bièvre towers

Sometimes renovation can result in a complete make-over for the building, proving that practical can be beautiful

Watered by the Bièvre, a tributary of the Seine, the town of Antony is located 11 km outside the centre of Paris. When aging residential towers located on the hills needed refurbishment, it proved to be a chance to improve the look and general attractiveness of the area. Not only could this renovation improve the outdated look of the buildings, non-combustible stone wool could also improve their safety and comfort.

Sustainability report 2021, SR21
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How Rockwool approach sustainability