We strive to make a positive impact on the world around us.

As part of our environmental, social and corporate governance, we have implemented policies to make sure we meet the highest standards throughout our operations.


Double materiality assessment

The double materiality assessment (DMA) was carried out in the second half of 2023 and updated in 2024. The DMA identifies material sustainability impacts as well as risks and opportunities, which results in a list of material sustainability topics across the ROCKWOOL value chain. More than 50 sustainability topics were assessed using the double materiality principle meaning that impacts as well as risks and opportunities were scored using the following methodology:

  • from an impact materiality perspective, impacts were scored with the following parameters: scale, scope, and irremediable character of actual negative impacts and scale and scope for actual positive impacts. In case of positive impacts, likelihood is in addition considered;
  • from a financial materiality perspective, risks and opportunities were scored using the following parameters: likelihood of occurrence and the potential magnitude of financial effects.

Sustainability topics





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