Warm and safe for years

Poor insulation and high energy costs were hitting the pockets of residents before refurbishment

Originally built in the 1960’s, Lion Farm Estate comprises over 200 homes in three 13-storey residential towers. In high-rise buildings like these, safety is of prime importance. Since their construction, however, all three towers have deteriorated visually and structurally through wear and tear to the building fabric, windows and doors.

In addition, the absence of efficient wall insulation and cladding mean that residents have been fighting a losing battle to keep warm in the face of increasing energy bills – especially those living in fuel poverty.

The renovation project therefore needed to focus on providing increased energy efficiency for occupants, as well as bringing the high-rise towers into the 21st century in general.

To achieve these goals, the contractor, Lovell, chose the thermal properties of RAINSCREEN DUO SLAB which is designed for use in severe weather conditions and has thermal properties which can dramatically reduce heating, cooling and ventilation costs. The solution will more than meet energy efficiency and fire safety requirements, while at the same time creating a more comfortable living environment.

For the residents at Lion Farm, one of the greatest benefits of the refurbishment will be the alleviation of fuel poverty over time. They will live in far more comfortable and affordable homes, with excellent long-term energy efficiency and fire safety.

Since Lovell chose products that are long-lasting and protective, Lion Farm will need no additional refurbishment, leaving residents comfortable and safe for years to come.

Oldbury, UK

Project location

Lion Farm Estate

“This is a major programme of renovation work that will deliver important physical improvements for peoples’ homes as well as lasting community benefits in the area. The use of ROCKWOOL insulation and Rockpanel boards will mean low maintenance and an end to fuel poverty for the estate’s residents.”

Carl Yale

Regional Refurbishment Director at Lovell

Project Data

Year 2018/2019
Building Type Residential Flats
Application Technical Insulation and Cladding 
Product type ROCKWOOL Stone Wool, Rockpanel