Do you have what it takes to become an Energy Efficiency Hero?

We have created a 20 minute long interacting e-learning program embedded in a competition. Why? We want to find out if you master energy efficiency. 
What is your role... 

  • Energy Efficiency Hero,
  • Energy Efficiency Sidekick,
  • or Energy Efficiency Novice?
Energy Efficiency E-learning tool, avatars, energy efficiency hero, sidekick, or novice?

Do you master energy efficiency?

Through our e-learning you will gain an understanding of how to make an impact on climate change. 

  • Answer as many questions as possible correctly
  • Be fast and sharp while answering
  • Compare your results at the leaderboard


People, Humans, Office, Working, Team
Currently, buildings account for 30 percent of global energy use, and 28 percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the energy intensity per square metre of the building sector needs to improve 30 percent by 2030 to meet the Paris climate goals.

Anthony Abbotts

Director Group Sustainability
Go to blog article
By how much do we need to reduce energy consumption?
Where we are

In order to meet our climate goals, we need to reduce our energy consumption by at least 30%. According to IEA Word Energy Outlook 2017 et al, this is the only way to manage the growing demand for energy to levels that can limit global warming to well below 2°C. A step change is needed.

By how much do we need to reduce energy consumption?

What is the cost of energy?
Saving the future

According to IEA World Energy Outlook 2017, our energy demand will increase by 170% by 2040 if we don't change our policies. Generating this additional amount of energy has a societal cost and would require a lot of resources that put a strain on our environment.

What is the cost of energy?

How do we manage energy consumption?
Manage the future

If we made the most of the energy we produce we would need less than 30% more energy in 2040. That’s a more manageable amount.

How do we manage energy consumption?

Why should I improve energy efficiency in my home?

Reducing the energy use of buildings is essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. High energy efficiency also saves money, because fewer expenses are needed for heating and air conditioners. Hence, energy efficiency improvements result in benefits not only for the climate but also for you! Learn why and how to reduce your energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. 

Your opportunity. Take action.
Start learning. Provoke thoughts.



energie efficientie, energy efficiency, thermografie

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