Metal Roof 

Metal roof insulation is crucial for improving energy efficiency, acoustics, comfort, and living standards in both moderns residential and commercial buildings.

In an uninsulated building, the majority of thermal transmission is through the roof, making insulation a top priority.

The non-combustible nature of stone wool insulation makes it a robust choice for fire safety too. But it’s the superior sound insulation of the material which makes ROCKWOOL metal roof insulation solutions an ideal choice for built-up applications.



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Why do we need metal roof insulation?

As heat rises, most energy loss is usually through the roof of a building. Metal roof insulation can enhance the energy efficiency of a building and help to lower your electricity bill.

Stone wool products act as an infill between two metal sheets effectively reduces heat transmission and rain noise from entering into the building envelope through the roof. Choices of density are available to meet building requirements.

Installing effective metal roof insulation barriers offers protection from rain, hail, and overheating on hotter days.

Stone wool insulation also provides excellent acoustics for a metal roof – protection from rain, heat, and noise, which often pose a problem for metallic roof coverings.

Calculator and savings

Metal roof insulation can help property owners and tenants save money on their energy bills by boosting energy efficiency.

A valuable investment for the future, it offers a relatively fast payback time in terms of money, energy and carbon footprint1

Insulation thickness can be adjusted to meet a wide array of customer specifications.

The average installed density of stone wool metal roof insulation globally is around 80 – 150 Kg/m3 for high-density products supporting the metal deck, and typically around 50 – 80 Kg/m3 for lighter infill roll products.

Use our ROCKWOOL U-value calculator to determine the thermal performance of the building's roofs and possible cost and possible cost savings. For more details on technical specifications, visit our ROCKSPEC Specification Toolkit.


Flat roof, FRI, Metal Box, étanchéité bitume, bitumen roof-board, Rockfleece B Energy
ROCKWOOL solutions for metal roofs are durable and proven by more than 40 years of use. Our metal roof insulation is also non-combustible and will protect you, your building and inventory if a fire occurs.

Kim Brandt

Global Product Manager, ROCKWOOL Group

Case Studies

The project

Nottingham Girls’ High School in the UK wanted a state of the art performing arts facility installed. It had to demonstrate that it had been designed to both provide suitable control of rain noise reverberation – and achieve a noise performance standard of LAeq 30dB.

The challenge

Ensuring high levels of acoustic performance was a vital part of the project. The building had to prevent sound from reaching other areas of the school – while also reducing the impact from external noises, such as rain and other bad weather.

The solution

A combination of ROCKWOOL metal and flat roofing solutions were used to make sure that the department was insulated sufficiently for both heat loss and sound.

HARDROCK Multi-Fix products and a ROCKWOOL acoustic membrane were used in combination with other products on the structural deck of the roof.

product, flatroof, flat roof, prodach dämmsystem, prorock, prodach, installation, installer, flachdach, germany
The ROCKWOOL roofing board’s open wool structure was ideal for absorbing and regulating noise in the building. Additionally, the acoustic membrane acted as a sounded deadening layer to prevent noise interruption during performances.

Kevin Dixon

NRA Roofing and Flooring Services Ltd, PROJECT MANAGER

Sustainability and energy efficiency

ROCKWOOL products are designed to be both energy efficient and high quality.

We embed our aims and values in everything we do, helping to create functional and sustainable insulation to improve modern living and the environment.

Our insulation is designed to ensure buildings and domestic properties pass international standards. This requires buildings to be:

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Affordable
  • Efficient
flat roof, solar panels, FRI, Metal Box

Financial support

Sustainability schemes and refunds may be available through tax reductions or incentive schemes. Contact our local offices for more information


Energy Efficiency, Key, Keyboard, Button


How do you insulate a metal roof?
Do you need to ventilate a warm metal roof?
How do you stop condensation on a metal roof?