You can find a full list of fire regulations listed below. If you require further information you can search our FAQs or contact our technical experts.
You can find a full list of fire regulations listed below. If you require further information you can search our FAQs or contact our technical experts.
The Approved Document B addresses fire safety and has been split into two volumes. Volume 1 deal with dwelling houses and Volume 2 deals with buildings other than dwelling houses. It covers the following:
Every year, there are more than 7000 reported fires in dwellings (e.g. houses, flats and maisonettes) and more than 3000 reported fires in non-domestic buildings in Scotland. The standards and guidance in the fire safety section of the technical handbook (domestic) and technical handbook (non-domestic) are designed to work together to provide a balanced approach to fire safety. The purpose of the guidance in Section 2 is to achieve the following objectives in the case of an outbreak of fire within the building:
Areas covered include compartmentation, structural protection, cavities, internal linings and more.
Approved Document B gives guidance for fire safety compliance with the Building Regulations for building work carried out in Wales. It has been published in two volumes. Volume 1 deals solely with dwelling houses, while Volume 2 deals with all other types of building covered by the Building Regulations. Where very large (over 18m in height) or unusual dwelling houses are proposed, some of the guidance in Volume 2 may be needed to supplement that given by Volume 1.
The provisions set out in Sections B1 to B5 of the Technical Guidance Document B, deal with different aspects of fire safety. The five sections are:
Technical Booklet E (Fire Safety) is one of a series that has been prepared by the Department of Finance and Personnel (the Department) for the purpose of providing practical guidance with respect to the technical requirements of the Building Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 (the Building Regulations) and covers the following: