Thanks to the technology knowledge needed and training provided, ROCKWOOL has created a pool of qualified employment options in our region. Since ROCKWOOL arrived, the city has even modernised its infrastructure with new roads and improvements to local schools.

Diamantino Pereira

Saint-Éloy-les-Mines, France
ROCKWOOL employee
Employee from Saint-Eloy-Les-Mines, Diamantino Pereira

Engaging local communities

With 51 manufacturing facilities in 23 countries, ROCKWOOL plays a significant role in supporting thriving communities around the world. We aim to sell our products in the regions where they are produced,  thus generating employment, investment and tax  revenues in our host communities.

One of the ways in which we establish and maintain good  relations with our host communities is by engaging in  meaningful two-way dialogue with all relevant  stakeholders. For example, we host community days,  organise school visits and offer tours of our factories to  interested community members, local elected officials and members of the surrounding business community.

Urban regeneration, city, MUH
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Report on upscaling urban regeneration

In 2022, we have updated our internal guidance on  community engagement to ensure that our global  business units follow best practice in the way they  communicate and interact with local communities in  which they operate

"ROCKWOOL is very much aware of its significant environmental and social  responsibilities towards the local community and  supports a wide range of projects to enhance  residents’ quality of life. In recognition of these  efforts, we gave ROCKWOOL Adriatic a  certificate of appreciation on the feast day of St  Roko on August 16. This is our annual  Municipality Day”.  Dean Močinić, Mayor of Pićan Municipality.

BaseCamp, Reference case, Lyngby Denmark
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A building inspired by nature

We manufacture board material mostly used in ventilated constructions, for facade cladding, roof detailing, soffits and fascias.

Our boards are robust and flexible. They fit perfectly with modern architectural trends such as organic shapes and sustainability, while also providing cost efficiency and short installation times. 

Learn more about how Rockpanel offers unlimited design freedom
Sustainability page, Rockpanel case study

In 2024, ROCKWOOL Group’s activities supported and/or created: 

  • Around 45 000 jobs locally at our facilities worldwide and with suppliers - a 5 percent increase comparing to 2023  
  • In 2024, ROCKWOOL has contributed MEUR 3,855 to the world economy, incl. MEUR 2,082 to the GDP of Western Europe. These values are generated directly through payment of wages to employees, financial expenses, taxes paid, retained profit and indirectly from activities generated through the value chain by ROCKWOOL purchases from suppliers. In total, every MEUR 1 of ROCKWOOL GDP-contribution generates a total of MEUR 3.1 economic value in local economies including the so-called indirect and induced effects; 
  • An estimated lifetime saving in energy costs of more than EUR 78 billion for customers in households and industry from ROCKWOOL’s insulation products sold in 2024. 

Measuring our socioeconomic impact 

  • In 2021, we worked with National Contact Point (NCP) Denmark that resulted in a report with recommendations on how ROCKWOOL Group could improve its risk-based due diligence and community engagement practices. The primary focus has been to strengthen our community engagement activities and implement new community engagement policies and procedures globally to enhance our environmental and social responsibilities. 
  • Since 2019, ROCKWOOL has followed our SDG impact metric and methodology, created in collaboration with Copenhagen Economics, to estimate ROCKWOOL’s global and local contribution to creating local jobs and economic growth [3]. Three types of impacts are included in the methodology: 
  1. Direct impact counts the impact from the number of people directly employed and the direct GDP contribution (wages, taxes and profits from ROCKWOOL);

  2. Indirect impact pertains to the impact from companies supplying ROCKWOOL with goods and services; and,

  3. Induced impact, which is the impact from purchases by the employees working for ROCKWOOL and their suppliers.