Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) require solutions that add value – and easily slot in with offsite construction and industrial manufacturing finished systems.

That’s why ROCKWOOL Core Solutions work with you to understand your applications and provide customised solutions, based on your process of assembly, application and how customers will use your finished products.

Our stone wool cores offer a leading industry standard across all forms of OEM insulation, and can be built into and around your products – offering the best possible outcomes.

To meet your needs today and tomorrow, we develop partnerships that collaborate on:

  • The supplying of stone wool
  • Integrating our product into your process and system
  • Application testing
  • Quality assurance
  • Certification

Discover how you can transform your operations and products when you partner with ROCKWOOL Core Solutions today.

Chimneys are an essential part of many public and private buildings, and require insulation to ensure thermal conductivity, fire resistance and energy efficiency.

Stone wool insulation’s properties provide the necessary performances of the chimney system, delivering a healthy and comfortable environment that is economically and environmentally sustainable. ROCKWOOL stone wool insulation is non-combustible (fire classification rating A1) and safeguards the chimney structure (surrounding environment) in case of fire (does not spread), and the chimney's thermal properties also prevent heat from transferring to the roof element.


Explore some of stone wool’s key properties in-depth

Discover how The Power of & can work for you as an OEM

At ROCKWOOL, we ensure that all your products and systems will benefit from the 7 Strengths of Stone. That’s because when you design one strength into a product with stone wool, you gain all the 7 Strengths of Stone. With ROCKWOOL Core Solutions as your partner, you also gain The Power of & which delivers 'more' options in many other ways, through qualities that set our organisation apart.


Is stone wool insulation in chimney systems considered fire resistant?
Does stone wool contain flame retardants?
In relation to chimney system insulation, how is stone wool’s thermal performance in comparison with other insulation products?
Is there a difference in mechanical performance between stone wool and other insulation products?
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